APL Building Needs Assessment Update

As the next step in the Municipal Building Commission’s (MBC) analysis of the infrastructure repairs needed at the APL, Aaron Cohen Associates (ACA), a consulting firm, conducted a two-day space needs assessment on the library. Our building was toured by the consultants and community members, staff was interviewed, library collections, available public seating, meeting rooms, […]

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English Conversation Circle Series

The Attleboro Library is hosting a new English Conversation Circle series for adults.  The next meeting will be on Friday, July 12, at 1 p.m. This program will also be held on 7/19, 7/26, and 8/2. English conversation circles provide non-native English speakers an opportunity to practice their conversational English skills with other adult learners […]

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Parking in Downtown Attleboro

Attleboro’s Sanford Street Parking Garage is closed for repairs and will remain closed through the end of July. This means that more people will be using the municipal lot next to the Library. When attending library events, please allow sufficient time to find parking in the lot, other local municipal lots, or on surrounding streets, […]

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