
Extreme Makeover – Reference Style!

desk-set-7Some sharp eyed patrons may have noticed some changes in our 2nd floor Reference Department.  We are slowly reducing the footprint of print materials in favor of online resources.  While we still answer all types of research questions and provide bibliographic instruction, the majority of our “reference” resources are now available online.  Resources are provided on the state, network, and local levels, and provide Attleboro patrons with a very broad range of subject based online resources. Patrons can access everything from driver’s education via Driving-Tests.org to language learning with Mango Languages.

Our “Self Help” resources provide car repair instruction from Chilton as well as ratings and reviews from Consumer Reports.

Students will find primary source and biographical information in the Biography and History collections.

Health resources are always in demand.  Consumer health information is available in Health & Wellness Resource Center, while more scholarly resources are included in Nursing Resource Center and Health Reference Center-Academic.

If you need an encyclopedia or journal article, our General Reference and Encyclopedia Resources offer access to full text articles as well as both English and Spanish versions of Encyclopedia Britannica Public Library Edition, along with the child friendly Encyclopedia Britannica Public Library Edition-Kids.

Looking into your family history/genealogy? Find vital records, census data, and passenger lists on Ancestry.com Library Edition (in library use only) and HeritageQuest.

Many of our print reference resources have been integrated into our nonfiction collection.  By offering a variety of resources, in a variety of formats, we hope to meet your information needs. Stop by and chat with a Reference librarian about all available resources.

Curious about the picture? It’s a still image from the movie Desk Set (1957, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation), starring Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracey, about the computerization of a research department.

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