I’ve worked at the Attleboro Public Library for more than 15 years. That’s a long enough time for things to begin, evolve and even end. One thing that has not changed is the APL’s commitment to providing area students with the resources they need to achieve in school. One way that I, as the Children’s Librarian, can help with this is through the annual 2nd grade field trips.
Starting in October, I visit the 2nd grade classrooms in all five of Attleboro’s public elementary schools. In their classroom, the students and I talk about the library, what a librarian does and library behavior. I read a story and answer any questions that they may have about the library. I even answer a few not about the library! I also work with the teachers to make sure that every 2nd grader has their own library card.
Then, the field trips begin! During the months of November & December we host every 2nd grader from all five of Attleboro’s public elementary schools. That means 19 classes with an average of 24 students per class plus teachers and chaperons. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of time, coordination, dedication on the part of school and library staff to make these field trips happen.
On their field trip, students learn about library organization, including the Dewey Decimal system, get a tour of the Children’s Room, receive library cards and check out books. Now that they are comfortable with the library and our staff, when the students finish their field trip, they are eager to return with their family!
When you come to the APL in the next few weeks, take a look in the Children’s Room to see if we are hosting a field trip. Seeing the excitement of an entire class of 2nd graders is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face!