Celebrate Banned Books Week October 1-7!

Started in1982, Banned Books Week is an annual response to the number of book challenges in libraries, bookstores, and schools. It highlights the value of free and open access to information and supports the freedom to seek and to express ideas.

It is traditionally celebrated nationwide by libraries, educators, and readers, who believe in the availability of books for borrowing and reading. This year’s theme of “Let Freedom Read” is evocative and connects to our history of seeking freedom for all.

How is the APL celebrating from October 1-7? For starters, there is a first-floor book display of challenged books, including the 13 most challenged books in 2022. We also have a FREADom display with magnets where you are encouraged to complete the following phrase: “FREADom is reading…” We look forward to seeing what is shared.

The week culminates with participation in a Statewide Read-In on Saturday, October 7, from 10am-12pm. Bring your own book, or borrow one from the APL. The Friends of Attleboro Public Library will be giving away books. Some blankets and chairs will be available, but feel free to bring your own comfortable seating. The cozier, the better! We will also offer light refreshments as part of the event.

The Freedom to Read is a right that all citizens have–in Attleboro, in the Commonwealth, and all across the United States. Please join us in this effort.