2022 at the Attleboro Public Library!

It’s a new year and the APL is open! Although we are experiencing the same challenges in staffing and supply chains as the rest of the world, library staff are working diligently to serve library users. We are back to regular hours: Monday 8:30am-8:30pm, Tuesday 8:30am-4:30pm, Wednesday 8:30am-8:30pm, Thursday 12:30-8:30pm, Friday 8:30am-4:30pm and Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm. Any changes in these hours will noted on our Facebook page.

While we look forward to having in person events in the library soon, some of our events are going back online. Watch our event calendar and subscribe to our newsletter to hear about the virtual events happening here and at other organizations in the Attleboro area.

Questions? We love to hear from you! Please give us a call during business hours at 508-222-0157 or 508-222-7820 (Children’s Room.) Email us at apl_ref@sailsinc.org or attleborokids@sailsinc.org. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!