Stories! Raffles! Crafts! Trivia! Prizes! Virtual Programs!
This summer the Attleboro Public Library will go online where you can log your reading, register for programs & participate in exciting activities. While we may not be able to meet in large groups, we will still offer FREE weekly programs and events for all ages.
For School Summer Reading Lists, click here
- Sign up for APL’s Summer Reading program and the First Lady & Blades Summer Reading Challenge on READSquared (all ages)
- Register for Summer Reading events on APL’s Calendar of Events
- Summer Reading general flyer
- Summer Reading events flyer
- Virtual Pop-Up Art: Dragon Sculptures (ages 8-13) flyer
Summer Reading Videos
- Welcome to Summer Reading from Mrs. Brown
- More videos and recorded events coming soon!
Weekly Science Experiments and Take & Make Crafts!
Each Monday we will be posting a 15-Minute Science Experiment and Take & Make Crafts for kids of all ages. Materials will be provided by the Library, or use your own! Registration for materials is required for each experiment/craft, limited quantities are available and will be reserved for those who have registered. Please visit our Events Calendar to reserve your materials.
This week’s featured experiment and crafts:
- This week’s take & make kits are a complete surprise! Be creative! We will provide you some random craft supplies….what can you make with them?? Use what was given and add your own! We can’t wait to see! If you can, email a picture of your finished craft to attleborokids@sailsinc.org!
- View all experiments and crafts
New! Sign up and track Summer Reading on the READsquared app!
APL is using the FREE online program READsquared for registration to the 2020 Summer Reading Program and the First Lady & Blades Summer Reading Challenge. READsquared can be used on any computer or device (a free app is available!). When you sign up, you will not only be able to log and track your reading, you will also have access to title suggestions, fun mini-games & peer book reviews. You can choose to track your reading by number of books or by reading time. Every participant that reaches 100 points (by either reading 5 books OR by reading 20 minutes) will be automatically entered into a random prize drawing that will be held at the end of the summer. There will be 6 prizes for kids ages 3-Kindergarten, 6 prizes for kids entering grades 1-4, 12 prizes for kids entering grades 5-12 along with 1 grand prize for each age group. Sign up for APL’s Summer Reading program and the First Lady & Blades Summer Reading Challenge on READSquared (all ages)

First Lady of the Commonwealth & Blades Summer Reading Challenge
Attleboro is taking part in the FREE “First Lady of the Commonwealth & Blades Summer Reading Challenge”. From July 1 to August 14, our community goal is to read 1000 books. Once our city reads 1000 books, the APL is entered into a drawing for Bruins prizes which include riding a Zamboni, high fiving the players, and sitting on the bench during pregame, as well as signed memorabilia including jerseys and pucks. If the APL is chosen, everyone who helped us reach our 1000 book goal is eligible for an entry to win one of these great prizes! Sign up for APL’s Summer Reading program and the First Lady & Blades Summer Reading Challenge on the READSquared app (all ages)
The Importance of Summer Reading
“Summer reading provides students with an opportunity to explore self-chosen topics while strengthening literacy skills. Whether it is a novel, magazine, or comic, continued practice prevents the “summer slide” and sets the stage for a successful school year. Sharing and discussing books fosters a literate environment, and increases opportunities for authentic reading experiences. The Attleboro Public Schools strives to develop lifelong learners and readers.”
-David A. Sawyer, Superintendent, Attleboro Public Schools
-Laurie A. Regan, Assistant Superintendent, Attleboro Public Schools
Summer Reading @ the APL is sponsored by the Attleboro Public Library, Friends of the Attleboro Public Library, the Massachusetts Library System, the Boston Bruins and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Images are copyrighted. Contact the CSLP at 1-866-657-8556 or contact@cslpreads.org for more information.