The Attleboro Public Library is excited to announce the date for the Video Creation Viewing night! Over the past year, with federal funding from a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, the Attleboro Public Library has worked with a variety of groups including the Attleboro Public Schools and Bishop Feehan High School to create educational videos about the schools and community organizations. The LSTA grant has allowed the library to offer more programming for youth who are interested in technology. Using the library’s new video recording equipment over 50 students in the last year participated in the project. First, many attended interviewing training at the library, provided by former Sun Chronicle publisher, Rusty D’Arconte. During this training the youth learned all about the interview process, how to ask the right questions and be professional during an interview with a subject. Then they attended group sessions at their school or at the library, planning, recording and editing videos meant to educate other youth about organizations and activities in their area. This has really been a team effort between the youth, library staff, the schools and the community. We are very proud of what was accomplished!
This viewing night is open to participants from the groups as well as and the community so feel free to bring your family and friends! We will be viewing the 6 videos created by the various groups over the last year, the youth have worked really hard and we can’t wait to show off their work! We just ask that you register since space is limited. The viewing night is taking place on Wednesday November 2, 2016 from 6-7:30pm here at the library. If you would like to register please do so by following this link http://attleborolibrary.