
YOUR Public Library: Imagination, Inspiration, Information and Innovation

librariestransform The Attleboro Public Library (APL) invites you to join us in celebrating National Library Week, April 10-16.    It is an exciting time for libraries as we embrace 21st century ideas regarding literacy, information gathering, and bringing members of the community together for shared experiences. The American Library Association states: “Libraries of all types consistently transform lives through free access to technology, digital literacy, career development, and opportunities for community engagement and lifelong learning. In celebration of the invaluable contributions of librarians, library workers and the nation’s libraries, thousands will celebrate National Library Week.”

As we look towards the future at the Attleboro Public Library, we feel it is important that we make literacy come alive for our patrons. We see it as our duty to connect with our community on a level which will provide “Imagination” “Inspiration” “Information” and “Innovation”. We seek to:

  • Reinvigorate the role imagination plays in our ability to experience new adventures.  Reading is adventure! All knowledge starts as an idea, an idea that may take us on a journey of discovery.
  • Instill inspiration our patrons seek in finding answers. Quick answers are not always enough- it is the seeking of information, the quest, for which we are here to help.
  • Provide information that will help change their lives. We provide information in a variety of ways- just as we, as individuals, learn in different ways.
  • Assist our users in opening their world with innovation driving them towards new ideas and solutions. New ideas, new resources, new delivery of information and sharing the experience with others, often leads to innovative ways of thinking.

The Trustees and staff members of the Attleboro Public Library thank you for joining us on our journey into our future. Your recent help with our surveys, interview day, and offered suggestions are incorporated into our new long range plan. We are here for YOU! What better time to check us out and let us thank you for your support than National Library Week. Drop in and say hello.