Business & Investment


ValueLine Full page industry and company reports include the most accurate ranks, dependable financial data, and proprietary analysis. (remote access for Attleboro Public Library cardholders only)

Business Collection  Business Collection provides coverage of all business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through business and trade publications, complemented by a selection of international, U.S., and regional news publications.

Business Economics and Theory With a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit database, this collection provides academic journals and magazines focusing on topics in economics. Perfect for business classes, users will find more than 150 full-text journals to support their research.

New York Times  Full-text of The New York Times from 1985- searchable as a standalone file (also included in Academic OneFile and General OneFile).

Small Business Collection Perfect for business schools and entrepreneurs, this compilation provides insights, tips, strategies and success stories. Users will find hundreds of full text subject-appropriate periodicals.