Social Work Resources

NOTE: This page is a work in progress and will have more additions soon.

Behavioral Health and Crisis Support

– Find a therapist and/or prescriber 888-244-6843 William James Interface – a program paid for by the City of Attleboro:

– Emory Recovery MAT, IOP, case management 150 Emory St 508-939-5335;

Primary Care/Health

Manet Community Health Center (two locations)
8 North Main Street, Attleboro; 508-205-4600
1 Washington Street, Taunton; 781-664-4637
Includes outreach to access MAT and Narcan

Below are some helpful local resource guides with information on multiple topics, including mental health, education, child care options, transportation, food assistance, and much more!

Attleboro Area Interfaith Collaborative’s Food Security Resource List

Attleboro Public Schools Welcome Center’s Community Resource Guide

Sturdy Memorial Hospital’s Health Equity Division’s Community Resource Guide

St. Vincent de Paul’s Resource Guide