
DSC00151The Attleboro Public Library exhibit space is open to Attleboro area community groups, organizations and individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities.

Exhibit space is available free of charge.  Library related exhibits will be given priority in the use of exhibit space. The Library reserves the right to change dates of exhibits, if necessary.


  1. Individuals or groups requesting space should do so on the form provided by the library.

  2. Applications for exhibit space should be received two months prior to the requested date.

  1. Exhibits are scheduled to remain in place at least one month.  Additional weeks may be arranged.

  1. When an application is approved, individuals or groups

involved will provide the following:

  • Signage and labels describing the exhibit.

  • Individual who will act as a liaison for the exhibit.

  • Person responsible for any needed funding for the installation of the exhibit.

      5.   The Library cannot assume responsibility for the contents of a display.

This policy is in accordance with the ALA Library Bill of Rights regarding Exhibit Spaces and Bulletin Boards which was adopted by the ALA Council July 2, 1991 and amended June 30, 2004.

Reserve a display case