2021 NEA Big Read: Attleboro Starts September 8!

Local leaders and activists will gather in the Balfour Riverwalk Park this afternoon at 5pm to share the poems that have touched their hearts. Some will even share poems that they’ve written themselves! If you love poetry, or if you’re a little bit leary, this is going to be an inspiring event. Readings will start promptly at 5pm.

This year’s community read title, An American Sunrise, is a book of poetry by US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo. The book captures Harjo’s thoughts and feelings about her personal history and the larger history of her Native American ancestors. This year, the National Endowment for the Arts urged us to choose a book from their list that would inspire discussion that reflects on where we’ve been, where we are today, and where we’re going. Sharing a book with friends and neighbors helps to build and deepen relationships and we hope the events that have been planned do just that in our city.

Also in the park will be a display of poetry from Attleboro Public School students, a storywalk celebrating nature, and Take & Create Poetry kits for those that are eager to try their hand at creating their own master work! This is the community’s first opportunity to receive a copy of An American Sunrise. We hope you bring it home and start reading right away. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

For more information on the NEA Big Read: Attleboro, visit attleboros1abc.org.