Library Giving Day is April 3!

Library Giving Day is an annual, nationwide event that provides financial support for public libraries to offer the wide array of high-quality services and programs for their communities. The Friends of Attleboro Public Library want to raise $10,000 this year for APL to help with various technological needs that YOU can use for education, entertainment, and enlightenment.

What’s better is that you have an opportunity to double your gift, thanks to match pledges from Bristol County Savings Bank ($1,500); The Torrey Company ($1,000); and Ed and Maureen Canner, Pret and Joanne Stevenson, and Charlie and Wendy Oliver ($250 each). 

Donations can be made at the Library (74 North Main Street) via check made out to Friends of Attleboro Public Library or on the Friends of APL web site, using PayPal, credit, or debit card. Thank you!