Thank You for Your Support!

The Friends of Attleboro Public Library participated in their first-ever Library Giving Day, a fund raiser that culminated on April 7th.

We set a goal of $5,000.00 and we are pleased to announce that we surpassed our goal!

Thank you to the many individual donors and companies who contributed.
We are grateful to The Torrey Company that generously provided a $1,000.00 match pledge.

The last few months have shown us just how important the library is to our well-being.
The virtual programs conducted by the staff have enriched our lives during this pandemic in a way we never could have imagined.  From children’s programs, to the online adult resources, to the tutorials helping us help ourselves, and finally to curbside pickup, the library staff has gone above and beyond to keep us healthy in mind and body.

Your donation to the Friends of Attleboro Public Library reinforces your commitment to this wonderful resource in our community; and enables our organization to provide extra money to the library for books, online databases, programs, museum passes and equipment not supported by the city budget.